Want to know my secrets to becoming a successful author?

I have many tips, which I'm excited to share below. Some are obvious and others might be new. Enjoy.

1. READ a lot. Before you can write a book you need to read extensively in your genre.

2. Write - It is important to carve out time to write as often as possible. I try to write for at least 10 minutes every day in between work, Mom life, and promoting my books.

3. Create a community of writers for yourself. You can motivate each other, hold each other accountable and provide each other with feedback on your manuscripts. Writing can be solitary and having a community to support you is key.

4. Read books about craft like "Save The Cat Write A Novel" and "Writing Picture Books".

5. Support other authors. Buy their books. Review their books. Request their books at the library. WHY? These authors you support might be able to support you when it's your turn to get published but also because it's the right thing to do.

Let me know if you want me to share more tips.

Please comment with your own tips. 


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